Just a short note of thanks for introducing David and I to one another. Dave rang me on Wednesday 15/11/00 and asked if we could meet. We talked for an hour or so and I said yes. He sounded so easy going and he was funny.
He told me he worked on the water corp and where he was. I got in my car and went down to the video shop to have a perv. Dave was working across the road, as soon as I saw him amongst the other men I hoped like hell it was him. We met at Debonasles and Dave said something made him turn around, and he saw me walking across the road. We still hadn’t met yet, I walked in and saw him and knew straight away, and apparently he did to.
We have so much in common, and we enjoy each others company so much. It was the 17/11/00 on Friday when we met and my birthday was on 25/11, so Dave cooked me dinner, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. I decided as did he, to put our Memberships on Hold. Dave asked me to be his wife and I said yes over a candlelight dinner at Taddo. He’s an amazing man and very sweet, and he treats me like a princess.
Thank you guys wish us luck!
Caprice T and Dave R